Tomaso Puliafito 


1953 To 1955 Korean Veteran

1955 To 1959 Pratt institute g.i. bill


MFA-Pratt Institute 1961 BFA Pratt Institute, Advertising Design, 1959



Pratt-Institute,Brooklyn NY-Professor, Painting/Drawing: 1963-2001, 2002 visiting professor

Coordinator- Painting Drawing Dept. 1992-1995

Professor: Painting. VEnice, Italy Summer Program 1991-1992

Director- Cortona Italy Summer Program, Painting Drawing 1993-1994

Director- Painting Drawing-Tuscany Summer Program in Lucca 1995-1999

MUSEUM EXHIBITIONS: The University of Iowa Museum of Contemporary Art: “Current Concerns, 12 American Artists” 1977

Whitney Museum of American Art: 1975 Biennial, New York

Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art: Connecticut 1975


Pratt Faculty Exhibitions: 1994-2002

Bologna/Landi Gallery: East Hampton, Long Island- August 1984 through 1994

High Tech High Touch-Computer Graphics in Printmaking:

Traveling Exhibition, 1988 through 1991 at:

  • Arizona State University Art Museum Tempe, Arizona- January-March 1991)

  • Quincy Art Center Museum of Art (November 1990)

  • -UTC Art Gallery Fine Arts Center, The University of Tennessee (October 1990)

  • Roland Gibson Gallery at Postdam College The State University of New York, September 1990)

  • Gardiner Art Gallery (Oklahoma State University, January through february 1990)

  • Haas Gallery of Art (Bloomsburg University, September through october 1990)

  • Jacob Javitz Convention Center (New York, New York, February 1988)


Moosart Gallery: Mimi Florida, June 1987 throughSeptember 1986

Peter Bergman Gallery:  New York, New York, I976

SoHo Center for Visual Arts: New York, New York, 1976

Walker Street Gallery:  Exhibition of Drawings, New York, New York. 1976



High Tech/ High Touch: Print Exhibition speaker Forum on oomputer generated prints, 1988

Mecanorma- Edueational Arts Tech. Seminars: 1982-1983 Repro Arts Products (Ft. Lauderdale, FLA.)

MIT Mecanorma Graphics Product (Cambridge, MA)

University Art Graphics Seminar (Palo Alto, CA)

BPA/BDA, Broadcaster Design Assoc. ,Broadcaster promotion Assoc. (NO)

Kansas State University (Manhattan, KS)

Mass. College of Art (Boston, MA)

PUBLICATIONS: Iowa Museum of Contemporary Art Catalogue 1977

Whitney Museum of American Art Biennial Catalogue 1975 Artists on Art, volume 1 1975

Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art Catalogue 1975


CAPS Grant Creative Artist, Public Service Program Grant, New York City, 1976

Carnegie-Mellon Technical Research Grant 1970

Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Award 1960